Creating daily events

How to create all-day events with Google Calendar

If you have a Google calendar, here some information to help you create all-day event to inform Julie about any changes in your availabilities :

Tick "All-day" to create an all-day event : your calendar will be easier to read, both for you and Julie, especially if you want her to schedule meetings on this/these day(s).

Choose is you want this/these day(s) to be showed as "Busy" or "Available" depending if you want Julie to schedule event or not (cf How to communicate changes in your calendar to Julie article)

If, for example, you are working from another office every Wednesday, you can add a recurrence to your event by ticking the "Repeat" option. 

How to create all-day events with Office 365

If you have a Office365 calendar, here some information to help you create all-day event to inform Julie about any changes in your availabilities :

Tick "All-day" to create an all-day event : your calendar will be easier to read, both for you and Julie, especially if you want her to schedule meetings on this/these day(s).

Choose is you want this/these day(s) to be showed as "Available", "Busy" or "Away" depending if you want Julie to schedule event or not (cf How to communicate changes in your calendar to Julie article)

If, for example, you are working from another office every Wednesday, you can add a recurrence to your event with the "Repeat" option. 

This is a view on Windows, on Mac the view change.  

How to create all day event with an iCloud calendar

Attention : Julie is not compatible with the iCloud calendar, this article is provided for the customers using the service before this restriction. 

If you have an iCloud calendar, follow the following steps to make changes in your availabilities: 

If you want Julie to suggest dates or schedule meetings on a whole day/multiple days

To let Julie know the days on which you are not available for meetings, you need to create all day events, so that Julie can see them as blocked.

If you want to communicate to Julie specific arrangements for the meeting scheduling process

For example, if on a specific day, you are working remotely and are, therefore, only available for meetings via calls, you can add an event, tick the checkbox “all day” and give it the name “Calls only”.

If, every Tuesday, you work from home, you can create a recurrence by ticking the “repeat” AND “all day” and give it the name “Calls only”.

This way, Julie will read that every Tuesday, you are only available for meetings via calls.

How Julie reads my availabilities on my your all-day events - Outlook users

When you create an all-day event, you can define the availability on this event.  

Because you do not want Julie or your collaborators to schedule meetings at the office when you are not there, we have given Julie the capacity to read those Outlook statuses differently. 

The following table summarizes these statuses and how Julie reads and interprets them:

Outlook Status

Julie’s interprétation de Julie of “All-day” events



Working from home (or elsewhere)






Out of office (holidays)


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