How to use Julie?

In order to delegate the task of coordinating meetings to Julie, her email must be copied on all emails associated to your meetings. Julie will then contact your participants to find a date that is convenient to all parties.

Thanks to her connection to your agenda, Julie can quickly propose your availability to participants in the form of 4 time slots (dates and times). During this process, you will be copied on all subsequent emails that Julie sends.

if your participants are in another country, make sure to point that out to Julie so she can incorporate time-zones into her proposals.

Once a common date is found, Julie send invitations from your calendar. These will contain all necessary information, including: who’s calling who, to what number, at what address and so on.

You can ask Julie to cancel or reschedule your meetings simply by sending her a message that resembles the following:

“Julie, can you reschedule my meeting Tuesday, the 1st of August at 2pm? Thanks.”

Julie will then send an email to each of your participants, apologize on your behalf, and propose new dates.

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