To simplify even more the scheduling process for your meetings, Julie can automatically follow-up with your interlocutors who have not yet given a response to the suggested dates or any other email requiring a response in order to finalize the scheduling process for an event.
This feature is available in the Solo Executive and Entreprise plans.
How does this feature work?
As always, after you send an email in which you ask that Julie to suggest dates for a meeting, she will send a set of dates to your contact:
- If Julie does not receive a response from your contact, she sends out new dates
- If there is still no response from your interlocutor, Julie asks them for their availabilities
- If after these follow-ups, your contact still does not respond, Julie will come contact you to notify you that she abandoning the scheduling process for this meeting.
The frequency of automatic follow-ups depends on the dates suggested by Julie. The first date at which Julie will follow-up with your interlocutor is calculated on an average between the date of the first email and the suggested dates. Julie will follow-up on weekdays between 8:30 and 18:30 depending on the timezone of the main client.
Julie can also use this automatic follow-up option to contact you if she expects a response from you on a blocking matter regarding the scheduling process for a meeting.
You want Julie to send less emails
In some cases, you might want Julie to be less insistent when it comes to her follow-up messages. If so, you can directly ask your contact for his availabilities in the email initiating the meeting scheduling process.
After that, Julie will contact your interlocutor once to follow-up.
If she does not receive a response, Julie will get back to you to notify you that she is abandoning the scheduling process for this meeting.
You want to modify a planned follow-up
Every monday, you will receive an email with a summary of Julie’s scheduling work during the previous week. In this email, all events currently being scheduled are listed, as well as the number of days before the first planned follow-up will be sent.
If you want this follow-up message to be sent at an earlier date, you can ask Julie, by replying to this summary email, to follow up with specific contacts. This way, she will directly follow-up with your contact.
If you do not want Julie to follow-up on a specific meeting that she is currently scheduling, you can ask her, by replying to this summary email, not to follow up for specific meetings. Therefore, she will stop scheduling this meeting.