How Julie can book a restaurant for you

With the Solo Executive Plan or Entreprise Plan, Julie is able to book for you, a restaurant of your choice for any breakfast, lunch or diner. You will avoid the stress of a crowded place with no seat and keep your focus on your meeting.
She can manage the booking, even if she did not schedule that event. If specifically asked she can also book a table for a coffee or a drinks. 

How should I ask Julie to book a restaurant ?

In order to have Julie make a reservation in your name, you just need to ask her to schedule a meal in a restaurant by providing its name and its address. As soon as the event date is set, Julie will contact the restaurant to book a table and she will get back to you to confirm.

You can also ask Julie to book a restaurant at a specific date without indicating the reason for the booking.

How far in advance should I ask Julie to make a reservation ?

The booking requires a phone call, so Julie can only contact the restaurant during it opening hours. Hence, you should ask Julie for a booking one working day in advance, otherwise the reservation can't be done.

At the moment, Julie cannot make any bookings on weekends. 

Conversely, if the lunch is set up early, we will make the reservation only one or two weeks in advance, this way you can report or cancel the event easily. 

What if there are no tables available ?

Whatever happens, Julie always gets back to you to inform you of the outcome of the booking. If there are no tables left, she will try to book 30 minutes before and after the suggested time and she will inform you to make sure it works for you. If not, Julie can book another restaurant.

What if I need to cancel or postpone a reservation ?

If you or your contact ask for a cancellation or a deferral, Julie contacts the restaurant and updates the reservation (cancelling or postponing it).

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