Configure my time between 2 appointments and my default time

When you use Julie for your meetings, you can define the time she applies between 2 meetings and a default time to arrange your daily routine as you wish!

How Julie optimize and calculate your travel time

To better organize meetings and manage your agenda, Julie will take into account the travel time it takes for you to arrive to your destination.

If Julie is unable to read the departure address from your agenda, or if she does not know your destination address, a  default travel time of 45 minutes will be applied to all meetings requiring travel. To shorten this travel time, you must connect to your Julie Desk account and go to the "Availability rules” section.

Travel time is calculated when the meeting is proposed  and depends on the mode  of transportation associated with your account ( car and/or public transport). This means that if your mode of transportation is “car,” any potential traffic will not be calculated into the time slot proposed by Julie.

It is also important to know that in order to optimize the management of your agenda, and minimize travel time as much as possible, priority will be given to meetings given at the same address, that is, without travel time. If you wish to organize a meeting by phone, Julie will automatically propose time slots following meetings already  taking place in your office.

How it works

Ex: You ask Julie to organize a meeting with a client  at their headquarters,  30 minutes from your office.

By default, your virtual meetings ( phone calls, conference call, skypes etc.) take place in your office. So, if you already have a scheduled phone meeting between 3pm and 4pm, Julie will  propose a meeting with your client  at their headquarters at 4:30 pm.

If you have indicated a preferred time gap between two meetings in your preferences, this time will be added to the estimated travel time between the two addresses. 

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