My Julie Desk account

Find out how your customer dashboard works and learn about how you can customize your Julie! Discover your Julie Desk account.

Discovery of my Julie Desk account

We propose you here to discover your Julie Desk account.

Add / Delete an email address from my account

Want to add/delete an email address from your Julie Desk account? Here’s how!

Add / Remove a calendar from my account

Would you like to know how to add / delete a calendar from your account?

My in-person / virtual appointments

Julie can arrange in-person and virtual appointments for you. This means you can ask her to organize meetings, telephone exchanges, video conferences, etc.

Having or not the email exchanges in the event notes

We explain here how to activate/deactivate that option in your Julie Desk account.

View / Modify my working hours

When you registered, you defined working hours that may change. In this article, we explain how to adjust your working hours and how to inform Julie of changes in your availability.

Configure my time between 2 appointments and my default time

When you use Julie for your meetings, you can define the time she applies between 2 meetings and a default time to arrange your daily routine as you wish!

Julie and courtesy

Here’s how Julie adapts her language to the person you are speaking to.
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