Navigating between offices

If you are working from several offices or from different cities and want Julie schedule your meetings efficiently and, therefore, suggest dates based on your presence in one office or the other - or based on your contact location - you need, as always, to be specific in your communication with Julie. 

Your preferences need to be up to date

Specify which one of your offices is your main office. Unless otherwise indicated, Julie will use that office address when scheduling physical or virtual meetings (in order to calculate the traveling time required between two meetings). 

You can also share with Julie other addresses she may need to schedule meeting at. 

Indicate in your calendar when you are outside of the main office

To let Julie know that you will not be in your main office, create and all-day event, set to available, and give it the name of your secondary office or the city where you will be.  Julie will deduce, from the name of your event, a new time zone and adjust her suggestion if needed. 

To know all about all-day event, please refer to our articles about Google calendar, Microsoft's one and iCloud.

When you want Julie to schedule a physical meeting in your secondary office, just specify it as follows: “Julie, please schedule a meeting with Paul when I will be in (name of secondary office or city where you will be)”.

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