Popular Articles

  1. Managing the circle of trusted people

    In this article we explain how the circle of trust works.
  2. Explore Julie for you and your company

    In this article, we explain how to set up Julie and how does it works.
  3. Getting started with Julie

    In this article we explain how to get start with Julie.
  4. Work with julie@yourcompany.com

    In this article we explain how you can set up your own Julie.
  5. Julie and the automatic follow-up

    In this article we explain how the automatic follow-up works.
  6. Julie reads your collaborators’ availabilities

    In this article we explain how Julie can read your collaborators’ availabilities.
  7. Scheduling with Julie

    In this article we explain how you can schedule your meetings with Julie.
  8. How to let Julie know when meetings are high-priority

    In this article, we explain how you can let know to Julie that a meeting is urgent.
  9. How Julie can book a restaurant for you

    In this article, we will explain to you how you can ask Julie to book a restaurant for you.
  10. How to communicate calendar changes to Julie

    In this article we explain how you can communicate calendar changes to Julie.
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